About Jewish Communities in Africa


  • Zoltán Grünhut PTE BTK


Alongside explanations of the parallel ideas about the historical background and formation of the African Jewish diaspora, the article delves into the historical role and general presence of Jewish communities on the continent. It interprets and analyses the role and social status of Jewish diasporas in various African states, as well as the historical development of the communities' numbers. The writing covers, among other topics, the Jewish diaspora in South Africa, Ethiopia, and the different yet noteworthy Israelite communities in the Maghreb region, as well as the continent's Black Jewish groups, whose origins are surrounded by debates.

Author Biography

Zoltán Grünhut, PTE BTK

Politológus, Ph.D. hallgató,




How to Cite

Grünhut, Z. (2009). About Jewish Communities in Africa. Hungarian Journal of African Studies / Afrika Tanulmányok, 3(1), 22–27. Retrieved from https://journals.lib.pte.hu/index.php/afrikatanulmanyok/article/view/4588