Fights and Perspectives

Slums and Informal Settlements in East Africa


  • Dániel Solymári Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta, Headquarters


Among the global challenges of the 21st century the overall shortage of raw materials and the rapid growth in the number of people living in big cities are the most serious problems mankind is facing. Knowing forecasts of the past decades these days we already experience: from among the basic needs of human life the shortage of drinking water is one of the crucial points. These days nearly one billion people are lacking clean drinking water and in some parts of the globe grim battles are fought for lands that are rich in clean water. In these areas in Africa water is more valuable than oil. This is a very complex issue and gives ground for a profound analysis. In this study I wish to give an insight into characteristic features of some poverty-stricken areas of East Africa, into the living conditions of people there with special regard to their most substantial needs and the lack of those. It considers one of the most serious problems of our days that is to be solved: we discuss the weak points of the third world’s poverty areas in big cities and some consequences of demographic changes and the constantly growing needs.

Author Biography

Dániel Solymári, Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta, Headquarters

programme director
Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta, Headquarters




How to Cite

Solymári, D. (2014). Fights and Perspectives: Slums and Informal Settlements in East Africa. Hungarian Journal of African Studies / Afrika Tanulmányok, 8(2), 5–16. Retrieved from