The Short History of the Elisabeth University




Elisabeth University, university history, Pécs, university foundation, relocation


This short summary covers the history of the university from its foundation in Bratislava (1912) to the end of the civil era (1950). After the Czech occupation in 1919, the university was forced to flee, and after a temporary period in Budapest, it was settled in Pécs. The article describes the settlement and development of the university in its new seat, the activities of its faculties, its economic, political and cultural relations with the city, as well as the changes taking place in the last years of the period.


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Author Biography

István Lengvári, Pécs University Archives

head archivist, director


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How to Cite

Lengvári, I. (2024). The Short History of the Elisabeth University. Per Aspera Ad Astra, 10(1-2), 18–25.

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