Analysis of the German business culture through the LESCANT model from Hungarian point of view
internationalisation, culture, interculturality, Germany, HungaryAbstract
To analyse the culture, communication, and business habits of Germans. To point out the peculiarities of the German market and to provide Hungarian companies wishing to enter or already operating on the German market with a useful guide from cultural point of view.
This study uses secondary research methodology, based on the LESCANT model (Language, Environment, Social Organisation, Context, Authority, Nonverbal and Time), which highlights the characteristics of the German business culture and communication.
It can be stated that cultural differences exist between Germany and Hungary. Hungarian culture can be characterised by greater power distance and individualism, stronger masculinity, and uncertainty avoidance. The Germans’ time management is monochronic and they like to plan for the long term. Their communication is low-context, which is reflected in their direct and explicit communication style.
The importance of cultural differences is often underestimated. Studies point out the cultural roots of international business failures. Companies often do not pay enough attention to cultural differences. In case of large countries, like Germany, cultural differences might be considerable from state to state, although there are still many distinctly German cultural characteristics. Since each state has its own legal and cultural peculiarities and its own dialect, thorough understanding of these differences is essential.References
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További hivatkozások
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MKIK (2022), Piaci útmutató a Német Szövetségi Köztársaságról. (letöltés: 2023.06.21.)
Németh, Á. (2021), Németországban javítanák az otthoni gondozás munkakörülményeit. (letöltés: 2023.06.30.)
tudasbazis.sulinet (2024), Németország története és természeti-társadalmi képe. (letöltés: 2024.01.04.)
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