Analysis of the e-sports industry at macro, meso, micro economic level
consumption, e-sports industry, e-sports organisations, business modelsAbstract
As a result of technologial advances and digitalisation new media consumption platforms have emerged, and in this new market the entertainment industry has developed a new supply. As part of the new supply e-sports has emerged. Active and passive consumption of electronic games and their content is also popular among young people. Assessing related service providers and the economic environment is essencial if we want to examine a new industry to determine the factors that affect the e-sports industry. Our aim is to present and economic study of e-sports activity, currently available qualitative or quantitative scientific researches, articles, abstracts.
By the available and relevant online database search engines we narrowed the focus of the research in a targeted way, using (Hungarian and English) the same keywords as follows: (1) esport, e-sports, electronic sports and (2) economy, economics, business, revenue, income, sponsorship. In some of the database search engines we didn’t have the opportunity to narrow our search by combining the specific words, we tried to complete the processing the by we used the snoball method to select several articles about them. During the review of the available literature, we analyzed in detail the writings whose titles or content contained the above mentioned search terms. We excluded writings where, after the existence of these keywords, there was still no relevant information about the e-sports industry.
The e-sports industry has been characterized as part of the experience-based economy, a kind of hybrid of technology and entertainment industry. E-sport has been identified as a new, growing player in the entertainment industry. They have described the capital cycle in the e-sports industry where followers/viewers spend money to: watch tournaments, online and offline tickets, individual and team support, buy merchandising products, in exchange for experiences, gifts, and gifts through subscriptions.
Due to the growing revenues and the increase in the number of viewers, it is worth focusing certain segments of e-sports on further research. We see some scientific work has been done on broadcast sharing providers, so we consider this to be a priority.
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