The competition between AI applications and copyright law in Hungary


  • Zoltán Belinszki University of Pécs, Doctoral School of Law



Data, Artificial intelligence application, IP law


The topic of this study refers to a two and a half thousand year old paradox. The memorable proposition of the Zeno is about the battle between Achilles and the tortoise, thus proving Parmenides' thesis that there is no real movement. In a study by Gergely Bognár, he writes: 'In dichotomy, Parmenides' pupil divides a section (distance) into an infinite number of subsections (...) Achilles arrives in vain at the place where the tortoise was before, but it always moves a little bit forward. In this case, we cannot even say that he catches up with the turtle in the infinite time that experience shows that he leaves it behind, we can absolutely not talk about."

In the case of AI applications and legal regulation, the parallel is justified. The pace of development of copyright law is much slower than that of AI. After a brief description of AI applications, I will attempt to assess the changing actors in copyright law and their roles, mainly through source analysis.


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Author Biography

Zoltán Belinszki, University of Pécs, Doctoral School of Law

writer, PhD student

Corressponding address:


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How to Cite

Belinszki, Z. “The Competition Between AI Applications and Copyright Law in Hungary”. Közigazgatási és Infokommunikációs Jogi PhD Tanulmányok (PhD Studies in Administrative and ICT Law), vol. 5, no. 2, Aug. 2024, pp. 45-62, doi:10.47272/KIKPhD.2024.2.3.


