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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Copyright & Licensing).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, or Microsoft Word document file format.
  • In the reference list, the DOI number (if available) of all literature used is given.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The metadata (file details) of the submitted file has been deleted. The submitted file is anonymous. (More information: Author's Guide)

Author Guidelines

1. Name, title, abstract and keywords

There should be 1 line between title and abstract text, 1 line between keywords and abstract, and 3 lines between the paper and keywords.

  • Title: Calibri, font size 14, bold,  title is justified, name is left justified.
  • Abstract: in English language, maximum of 300 words, not divided into paragraphs and not containing highlights.
  • Abstract format: Calibri, font size 12, line spacing 1.5, justified.

Keywords: 3-5 words, Calibri, font size 12, italic font

2. Formal requirements for the body text

  • Font: Calibri
  • Font size: 12
  • Spacing: 1
  • Paragraph breaks: justified paragraphs
  • Tabs: 0.5 cm or 1.5 cm
  • Headings: bold
  • Subheadings: italic, left-closed
  • Length of paper: 40 000 - 60 000 characters



Authors are not allowed to identify themselves in the abstract or the main text, as the evaluation process is anonymous. The author must refer to his/her/their own work as that of another author. For example, if the author of the study is John Smith:

  • Wrong example: ... in our previous works (SMITH, 2012; SMITH et al., 2021)...
  • Correct example: ...Smith notes in his previous research (SMITH, 2012; SMITH et al., 2021) that..

How to set the submitted file to be anonymous?


  1. Find the file you want to submit on your computer.
  2. Right click on the file
  3. In the menu bar above, go to Details
  4. Click on "Remove properties and personal data"
  5. Click on "Properties to remove from file"
  6. Click on the "Clear All" button at the bottom of the window
  7. Click "Ok" at the bottom of the window


  1. In the tabs at the top of the document window ("Home", "Insert", etc.), click Review -> Protect -> Protect Document.
  2. Check the box for: "Remove personal information from this file on save"
  3. Save the document.

If the above requirements are ignored by the author, the manuscript will be returned by the editors.


3. General rules

3.1. Highlights

Highlights are indicated in italics in the main text. Both in the main text and in footnotes, personal names are always italicised; italics are recommended for foreign words and new concepts.

3.2. Paragraphs, headings

  • The first paragraph of each chapter or sub-chapter starts at the beginning of the line, without indentation.
  • There is no paragraph in the line preceding the title of either the main chapters or the subchapters, and in the first line following it.
  • The format of chapters and subchapters is as follows:
    • Chapters: headline 1 (black), bold, Calibri, font size 12, spacing after: 0pt.
    • Subchapters: heading 2 (black), italic, Calibri, 12 font size, spacing after: 0pt
  • No space (0pt) after paragraphs, except for tables, figures and lists.
  • Starting with the second paragraph, indentation is required (Tabs value: 0,5 cm).

3.3. Tables, figures and lists

  • Tables, figures, lists and images are preceded and followed by a newline (ENTER).
  • The first paragraph after a table, figure or list is not indented and starts at the beginning of the line. 6pt spacing is required after the first paragraph before the table, figure or list, and 6pt after the last line of the list (or 6 pt spacing before the next paragraph).
  • If bulleted lists are used, they should be uniform in round format with indentation (the same as this bulleted list), or if necessary they can also be numbered.
  • Figures should be numbered in Arabic numerals. Figures should be referred to in the text by their number (continuous Arabic numeral). Diagrams should be consistent throughout the manuscript.
  • All figures and tables should have a title. The title should be below the figure, enclosed to the left, and the title should not be part of the figure.
  • Tables, images and graphs should not be embedded in the text, but their position in the body text should be indicated (e.g. skip a line after the paragraph to indicate the title of the tables/images/graphs, then skip another line).
  • Tables, figures, and graphs should be sent as an attachment in accordance with the following formatting requirements.
  • Formal requirements for the title:
    • Calibri, font size 10
    • Citation format in the title: e.g. (White, 2010), indicate if reproduced or adapted and in case it is the author’s own table or figure, note: own editing.
  • The colour code must not be in colour (black, white, shades of grey are possible). Images will be printed in black and white.
  • Tables (in excel), diagrams, pictures in JPG or PNG image format (minimum resolution: 300 dpi, 10 cm width) must be attached separately.

3.4. Footnotes

The footnotes contain notes to the text. A footnote should preferably be no longer than five typed lines. It is generally advisable to include all contributions in the main text and to reduce the number and length of footnotes.

  • Footnotes should be used for anything that would break the continuity of the main text.
  • Published texts should be referred to in the bibliography, but footnotes should be used to indicate unpublished sources, archival materials and other notes.
  • Footnote format: Calibri, font size 10


4. References format

The Autonomy and Responsibility journal uses the American Psychological Association 7th (APA7th) reference style.

Guide link:


4.1. In-text references

When you refer to an author's work, you must include in brackets: the author's surname (in small caps) and the year of publication:

  • The name of the author(s) can be part of the sentence (In this case, there is no need for small capital font).
    • Example: ... as reported in White’s study (1998) ...
  • Or it can be in brackets:
    • Example: ... the close relationship between the two variables has been previously suggested (White, 1998), therefore ...
  • Within a bracket, when referring to additional publications written by the same author, the name is written only once, followed by the year, separated by commas:
    • Example: ...prominent research in education (Fekete, 1953, 1956, 1980) shows, that…
  • When referring to several papers by the same author published in the same year, they are distinguished by the letters following each year:
    • Example: ...prominent research in education (Barna, 1953a, 1953b, 1953c) shows, that…
  • Within a bracket, each item is separated by a semicolon (;) when referring to publications from several authors:
    • Example: ...prominent research in education (Fekete, 1988; Fehér, 1989; Barna & Szürke, 1990) shows, that…
  • Inside the brackets, authors are listed in order of the year of their cited work:
    • Example: ...prominent research in education (Fekete, 1988; Fehér, 1989; Barna & Szürke, 1990) shows, that…
  • If an author quotes another author, the following format applies:
    • Example: ...prominent research in education (Fekete, 1988, as cited Fehér, 2021, p. 56) shows, that…
  • If you want to include an exact quotation from an author, you need to specify the exact reference and page number:
    • Example: "The end of the 1970s was marked by a fatigue in educational discourse, particularly on the subject of motivation." (Fehér, 2021, p. 56).


5. References

  • In the reference list, each work cited should be put in alphabetical order by the (first) author’s last name (surname). 
  • Publications by the same author should be listed in order of year.
    • EXAMPLE:Mandl, H., De Corte, E., Bennett, N. and Friedrich, H. F. (1990, ed.): Learning and instruction. European research in an international context. Volume 2.1. Social and cognitive aspects of learning and instruction. Pergamon Press, Oxford.


All references in the text must appear in the bibliography and all items in the bibliography must be referred to in the text.



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This statement is continuously available on the website of the journal „Autonómia és Felelősség” [Autonomy and Responsibility Journal of Educational Sciences] (


The privacy statement of University of Pécs Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Institute of Educational Scienes as publisher of the journal entitled „Autonómia és Felelősség” [Autonomy and Responsibility Journal of Educational Sciences] is based on the legal background below:

  • Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation),
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University of Pécs Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Institute of Educational Scienes handles personal data in order to publish the journal „Autonómia és Felelősség” [Autonomy and Responsibility Journal of Educational Sciences] and operate its website.


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You are free to submit a manuscript to the journal „Autonómia és Felelősség” for publication. The manuscript will be sent to, providing the following information:

  • name of the author(s) (first and last name),
  • country,
  • e-mail address,
  • telephone number,
  • affiliations (name and address of institution),
  • position,
  • ORCiD ID

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