History, Aims and Scope

The Hungarian Journal of African Studies [Afrika Tanulmányok] was launched in 2007 with the central aim to offer its readership academic articles and scientifically sound popular contributions to unfold a non-stereotypical approach about the image of Africa – and its various facets –, but rather an “Afro-realistic” attitude to deal with the daily realities, anxieties and aspirations of African societies. The Hungarian Africanist journal has been published uninterruptedly ever since, providing ground for Hungarian and foreign experts’ research articles, field reports, case studies, analyses, interviews and book reviews – in Hungarian and English. The original aim of the editors embraced three issues annually, with which first of all, a new Hungarian discourse, then, simultaneously, a renewed Central-European coverage of meaningful Africa-centred discussions appeared to manifest itself. In addition, the editorial team consistently strived for making HJAS / AT a stable quality point of reference of African Studies.

Since Vol. 7, No. 1. (2013) each Hungarian-language article was published together with an English abstract. Since 2018, each volume now includes a fully English-language issue. From Vol. 15. (2021) on, the journal is published three times (minimum), in the form of one English-language and two Hungarian-language issues. With the professional help of the Central Library of the University of Pécs, in 2021, the journal has been rewired in an OJS/PKP-administered context, and has joined the many journals listed by the library.

The Hungarian Journal of African Studies [Afrika Tanulmányok] seeks for quality research articles, field reports and book reviews, which can add to our better understanding of the intriguing set up of the multi-coloured and complex societal, ecomomic, political and cultural processes and actors of the African continent.