Alterglob Answers in The 21st Century

Profit and Ethics


  • Emese Borbély Budapesti Műszaki Főiskola


The unstoppably deepening chasm between rich and poor, North and South causes the impoverishment of more and more people. While on one hand the number of people living in poverty and are being exposed to diseases, epidemics, starvation, criminality, and ecological catastrophes has been constantly increasing, on the other hand, in developed countries the aggregation of capital and abundance of wealth is intensifying. Foreign aid at best helps against guilty conscience since investors gain far more than people in the less developed parts of the world, who are supposed to be supported. In this thought-provoking article the author would like to draw attention to the unethical background of profit by emphasizing that today there are other alternatives which care more about the sustainable development of the Earth and Humanity as such.

Author Biography

Emese Borbély, Budapesti Műszaki Főiskola

közgazdász, a Budapesti Műszaki Főiskolán tanársegéd, a Bécsi Közgazdaságtudományi Egyetem Ph.D. hallgatója. Kenyában dolgozott önkéntesként, a Taita Alapítvány Afrikai Gyermekekért elnöke.

Kutatási terület: etikus finanszírozás, vállalatok társadalmi felelősségvállalása, mikrohitel/finanszírozás




How to Cite

Borbély, E. (2008). Alterglob Answers in The 21st Century: Profit and Ethics. Hungarian Journal of African Studies / Afrika Tanulmányok, 2(2), 64–70. Retrieved from