Touring on the Nile


  • Ferenc Tapodi


A one-week journey in Egypt. Three days in the capital Cairo and its area visiting the most popular sights. Wonderful memories of antiquity and the modern metropolis’ attractions, and finally another unforgettable three days on the Nile from Assuan to Edfu – from the Valley of the Kings through Luxor to Karnak. What an itinerary with lifetime memories! Probably it is impossible to define with words: stepping in the sand which hides the tomb of adored pharaohs, entering into the still existing shrines of Egyptian gods, chilling in the shades of thousandsyears-old pyramids, bargaining in the colourful crowds of the bazaar, and watching the sunset as it is reflected on the longest river on Earth.




How to Cite

Tapodi, F. (2008). Touring on the Nile. Hungarian Journal of African Studies / Afrika Tanulmányok, 2(3), 40–43. Retrieved from