Population Boom - Poverty Traps Closing


  • Gyula Simonyi BOCS Alapítvány


As the global environmental problems of the 21st century cannot be contained by national borders, population growth and ecological overstrain pose serious threats to both developed and developing countries. This study provides a detailed analysis of the interconnectedness between the population explosion and ecological issues, as well as their economic and social consequences, highlighting that these challenges particularly affect African countries. The paper also addresses the importance of family planning and contraception in the African context, as well as the crucial role of women's rights and education.

Author Biography

Gyula Simonyi, BOCS Alapítvány

BOCS Alapítvány




How to Cite

Simonyi, G. (2012). Population Boom - Poverty Traps Closing. Hungarian Journal of African Studies / Afrika Tanulmányok, 6(1), 5–12. Retrieved from https://journals.lib.pte.hu/index.php/afrikatanulmanyok/article/view/4339