125 and 25 years (2/2)

The 25-year-old Hungarian Scientific Africa Expedition


  • András Vojnits Hungarian Scientific Africa-expedition


In the course of 1987–88 the Hungarian Geographical Society and Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest organized a six-month scientific fieldwork and study trip to Africa. The Hungarian Scientific Africa Expedition included a dozen scientists and experts led by geographer Professor Gyula Gábris. The scientists had visited several regions in Tanzania, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi and Zaire. Beyond tracing the footsteps of Samuel Teleki’s expedition 100 years before, they carried out research in the field of geography, cartography, paleontology, ethnography, linguistics, botany and zoology throughout different regions of East and Central Africa. Items collected during the expedition got to the possession of different museums in Hungary. Elaboration of the rich colletions have been carried out by Hungarian and international specialists as well. Members of the expedion have published several books, several hundreds of scientific and popular articles, presentations, exhibitions and TV films about the results of one of the greatest scientific ventures.

Author Biography

András Vojnits, Hungarian Scientific Africa-expedition

zoologist, Africa-researcher,
foundation president of the Expedition Section of the Hungarian Geographical Society,
member of the Hungarian Scientific Africa-expedition as well as of others expeditons,
leader of the Hungarian Scientific Rainforest-expedition




How to Cite

Vojnits, A. (2013). 125 and 25 years (2/2): The 25-year-old Hungarian Scientific Africa Expedition. Hungarian Journal of African Studies / Afrika Tanulmányok, 7(3), 73–100. Retrieved from https://journals.lib.pte.hu/index.php/afrikatanulmanyok/article/view/4232