Green Revolution and Africa


  • Espérance Ngungadiafuka Nsosso Pázmány Péter Catholic University


Norman Borlaug, the “father of the green revolution” believed that his innovation of the 20th century would be able to save hungry people. The approach proved to be successful, the yield had multiplied, and although there are lots of advantages, the disadvantages must be noted as well. We have to pay more attention to the harmful consequences and water scarcity in general. The real problem
hides in the unequal (re)distribution of our asymmetric world. The article flashes up a number of questions connected to the green revolution and its African story.

Author Biography

Espérance Ngungadiafuka Nsosso, Pázmány Péter Catholic University

BA in international administration from
Pázmány Péter Catholic University
Coordinator at Foundation for Africa




How to Cite

Nsosso, E. N. (2013). Green Revolution and Africa. Hungarian Journal of African Studies / Afrika Tanulmányok, 7(3), 5–18. Retrieved from