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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

(1) General requirements

All papers must be submitted in English.

The author should submit the final version of the manuscript, no major modifications (e.g., additional paragraphs, chapters) will be accepted after that submission. Of course, the blind peer review process may bring about other corrections and more work.

Prior to submission, all papers must

- have been submitted to a spell check

- have been examined by an English specialist (preferably a native speaker) who also speaks the language of the author. Papers that fail to meet a level of comprehension by the editorial board due to poor English will be returned for rewriting or, in severe cases, rejected.

- have a bibliography in the format specified below. The utilization of the proper referencing style is also crucial. Contributions not conforming to style will be returned by the Editors.

No cover page is needed.


Papers should be up to 40,000 characters (with spaces) in length.

Papers should be given 1.5 spacing, Times New Roman 12.

Paragraphs should be properly indented.

Do not split the text into separate columns.


Authors should state whether they are using British or American (or other!) English, and they consequently need to stick to the chosen variant. Please, pay attention especially to dates, verbs ending in – ise/-ize and –l/-ll, nouns ending in –isation/ization, etc.

After double blind peer review, accepted authors will receive electronic versions of their edited papers to provide them with the opportunity to make final comments. Here deadlines may be tight, so the author must react quickly, or else editorial and language changes will be taken as accepted.


(2) Specific requirements

Sources (references) should be properly cited in the text and a bibliography at the end of the paper. Endnotes can also be added, however, they should be marked clearly in the text at a point of punctuation, and listed consecutively at the end of the paper. They should not be listed at the bottom of each relevant page. The use of notes, in general, should be kept to a minimum.



References should be cited in the text as follows: (Fischer et al., 1996) or (Kissinger, 1990) or (Kegley and Wittkopf, 1995: 23). See some examples:

  • If one examines the Brundtland Report (World Commission on Environment and Sustainable Development, 1987) or the Rio Declaration of 1992, to name just two major examples, the sustainable development approach represents a global response to problems or challenges that are themselves of a global nature (ecological, economic or social).
  • Thus, the Brundtland Report states that “sustainable development should be seen as a global objective” (World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987: 40). –› this latter one indicates page no. 40 from where the citation was taken
  • This is the notion of “territorial sacrifices” considered by Nijkamp in different contributions (Nijkamp et al., 1991: 160; 1992: 41).



Each reference cited in the text must appear on the reference list.

Please, note that the order of names varies across cultures.

If the surname is the first element (like in the case of Chinese or Hungarian names), or in the case of, for instance, Ethiopian names (no distinction between family name or surname and first/middle names), do not place a comma after the surname (first name concerning Ethiopian names) in such citations. 

To help you resolve the question regarding name order, look at how the author has been cited in other works, and follow that presentation of the name.



1.) Jackson, C. (2001). A model of spatial patterns across retail property markets in Great Britain. Urban Studies 38, 1445-1471.

–› here:         

- the name of the journal should be in italics

- the issue of the journal should be bolded

- the pages of the article/study referred should be given after a comma, then, closed with a full stop.

- If there is no author, the article title comes first.

- If there is no date, use the abbreviation n.d. 


2.) Pack, J. R. (2002). Growth and Convergence in Metropolitan America. Brookings Institution Press, Washington DC.

–› here:         

- the title of the book should be in italics

- publishing house/publisher first, city/settlement of publishing second


3.) Stiftel, B. and Watson, V. (Eds). Dialogues in Urban & Regional Planning. Routledge, London.

–› if the volume has an editor (or more)


4.) Glover, D. (1994). Global Institutions, International Agreements, and Environmental Issues. In: Stubbs, R. and Underhill, G. R. D. (Eds). Political Economy and the Changing Global Order. Macmillan, Houndmills, Basingstoke, 277-288.

–› if a chapter is referred to from a book


5.) If you quote from an Internet source, you are required to additionally provide (after the name, title, etc.) the full address of the site and the date of download in brackets.


Verjee, A. and Knopf, P. (2019). A year of change in Ethiopia. United States Institute of Peace Online. [10.09.2018]


Use the following style in British English: [DD/MM/YYYY]

Use the following style in American English: [MM/DD/YYYY]


6.) Tables should be prepared on separate sheets; they should not be embedded within the text. Each table should have an appropriate caption.


Table 1.

Figure 1.


You need to cite the source below the table/figure.

All materials from other sources that may infringe copyright laws must have copyright clearance from that source before being included in papers for the proceedings volume.

Contributions will only be considered on the understanding that they have not been published previously, are not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and are not being simultaneously submitted elsewhere.

Privacy Statement


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You are free to submit a manuscript to the journal “Afrika Tanulmányok” for publication. The manuscript will be sent to, providing the following information:

  • name of the author(s) (first and last name),
  • country,
  • e-mail address,
  • telephone number,
  • affiliations (name and address of institution),
  • position,
  • ORCiD ID

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