Lingvistički tragovi mađarskoga jezika u hrvatskom


  • Lidija Bogović Fakultet hrvatskih studija Sveučilišta u Zagrebu



Keywords: hungarianisms in Croatian language, lexicology, word formation, language in 19th century.


Linguistic traces of the Hungarian language in Croatian


Hungarianisms are words borrowed from the Hungarian language that have been integrated into the Croatian language throughout history due to the long-lasting political and cultural connection between the Croatian and Hungarian people. This paper presents a selection of common hungarianisms in the Croatian language, which are linguistically analyzed at the levels of lexicology and word formation, and provides a comparison with their equivalents from the second half of the 19th century. Additionally, the paper reviews how certain hungarianisms have changed, adapted, or remained unchanged over time. Also, the equivalents that replaced or attempted to replace certain hungarianisms are analyzed in terms of word formation, demonstrating the utilization of the Croatian language's word formation potential. This paper contributes to the understanding of the historical and sociolinguistic influences on the Croatian language and emphasizes the importance of lexicographic sources in studying linguistic borrowing.

Keywords: hungarianisms in Croatian language, lexicology, word formation, language in 19th century.



How to Cite

Bogović, L. (2024). Lingvistički tragovi mađarskoga jezika u hrvatskom. SlavVaria, 4(1).



FÓKUSZBAN: Kétnyelvűség, többnyelvűség, nyelvi közvetítés