The Built Heritage of the Elisabeth University


  • Martin Méreg University of Pécs, Library and Knowledge Centre, Historical Collection Department



university history, architecture history, relocation, university buildings, architectural heritage, Elisabeth University, Pécs


One of the most important issues in the relocation of the Elisabeth University to Pécs was the selection and handover of suitable buildings. The planning took place between 1921 and 1922, followed by the renovation, the furnishing and the actual move between 1922 and 1924. As it was not possible to build a new campus and university buildings, the university moved to nine larger and several smaller buildings scattered around the city. This dispersed layout has influenced the spatial development of the university and the city to this day. This chapter examines the university buildings in terms of their function, their history, the circumstances of the relocation and their subsequent use.


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Author Biography

Martin Méreg, University of Pécs, Library and Knowledge Centre, Historical Collection Department



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How to Cite

Méreg, M. (2024). The Built Heritage of the Elisabeth University. Per Aspera Ad Astra, 10(1-2), 102–116.

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