Code of Ethics


Decisions concerning publication

It is the competency of the editor-in-chief of the periodical to decide which articles will be published in the periodical from among the papers submitted and accepted for publication. The editor-in-chief and editorial board will take the following aspects into consideration at decision-making: principles defined by the editorial board of the a periodical, and regulations in effect concerning defamation, violation of copyrights, and plagiarism. The editor-in-chief may require the assistance of the other editors and/or readers for decision-making. The editor-in-chief of the periodical is entitled to use a software for filtering out plagiarism.

Equal opportunity

Editors will, at all times, evaluate the content of the manuscripts irrespective of the race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, nationality or political views of the authors. Editors must give comprehensible information to authors about the exact expectations.


The staff of the editorial will give information about the manuscript submitted for publication to the corresponding author, the readers, the staff of the editorial and the publisher, only.

Dissemination and conflict of interest

Editors are not allowed to use the manuscript not published yet for their own researches without the written consent of the author.

Editors must act in a fair and balanced manner during the implementation of their tasks, without any discrimination concerning gender, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs.


Author(s) will be given feedback by the editorial on the start of the evaluation process within 30 days the maximum after the submission of the paper.



Contribution to the decisions of the editor

Reviewers will assist editor in decision-making, also, if necessary, will support the author during the reading process in the improvement of the academic quality of the paper.


If the reviewer selected is not able to make the evaluation of the manuscript submitted for publication, s/he is obliged to inform the editor about it and abandon his/her participation in the reading process.

Resignation of the reviewer

If a lector asked for reading feels s/he is not prepared enough in the research discipline of the paper, or knows that s/he cannot finish the reading process by the deadline given, must report this fact to the editor and at the same time ask for his/her exemption from the reading process.


Each manuscript is a document to be handled confidentially. Reviewers are not allowed to consult with others about the manuscripts.


Evaluation must be done in an objective manner. Reviewers must clearly express their opinions and support them with arguments.

References to sources

All findings, observations, trains of thought, statements containing arguments from any previous publication must be adequately referred to. Reviewers must make all efforts to recognise significant similarities or overlaps of the manuscript with other works, and notify the editor about these.

Dissemination and conflict of interest

Information obtained during the review process is to be handled confidentially, and must not be used for personal careers. Reviewers are not allowed to evaluate the respective manuscript if they have conflicts of interest with the authors, companies or institutions related to the paper, arising from competitive situation, cooperation or any other relationship.



Guidelines concerning dissemination

Authors demonstrating original researches must make a precise report about the work done. The interpretations and the drawing of conclusions can only be based on facts or unbiased and logical evidences. All background data of the paper must be demonstrated precisely. The paper must disseminate enough details and references so that the processes described can be repeated by others as well. False or consciously imprecise statements are taken as unethical and unacceptable behaviour.

Originality and plagiarism

Authors must guarantee that the paper is their on original intellectual product, or if they used works by others, these are adequately referred to and citations are professional. Any form of plagiarism is taken as unethical practice of publication and unacceptable.

Multiple, redundant or simultaneous publication

The simultaneous submission of the same manuscript, unmodified, to several periodicals in the same language is taken as unethical behaviour and unacceptable.

References to sources

The works cited must be always referred to in a professional manner and in compliance with the form requirements. Authors must refer to all those publications that impacted their work.

Authors of the paper

All those persons must be featured as authors who made a meaningful contribution to the concept, design, implementation and interpretation of the paper submitted. At the same time, in addition to the authors, all those persons must be featured as contributors who participated in some essential phases of the research project. The place of this is the acknowledgements section. One author of the paper acts as a correspondent author who keeps in touch with the editorial.

Dissemination and conflict of interest

Each author must publish in their manuscripts those substantial conflicts of interest that may influence the findings or interpretations of the paper

Fundamental problems in the papers published

If authors discover substantial faults or inaccuracies in their work already published, they must immediately notify the editorial of the periodical and must also cooperate with the editor in the withdrawal or correction of the paper.

Authors must make sure that their paper contains no defamation and does not violate copyrights or other intellectual property rights, or other rights of third parties.

Indication of the financial support resources of the paper

The financing resource of the research project must be indicated in all documents financed. Other resources of support must be clearly indicated in the manuscript.

Authors have to right to appeal against the decisions made by the editorial.


Editorial Board of The Hungarian Journal of Marketing and Management