Expanding employee value to buyer’s and employee’s satisfaction
vevői-dolgozói érték, dolgozói elégedettség, értékinnováció, hosszú távú versenyelőnyAbstract
The importance of customer orientation can be considered as the cornerstone of corporate practices. However, for Hungarian metal industrial enterprises handling employee orientation on the same level as customer orientation is not yet included in the range of innovative interpretations. In order to achieve long-term economic success, companies should treat the internal client, the employee and the external client, the customer as equals. Although companies are partially aware of the importance of the task, the implementation techniques are not often relevant.
How to Cite
Aswad, D. (2019) “Expanding employee value to buyer’s and employee’s satisfaction”, The Hungarian Journal of Marketing and Management, 47(4), pp. 75–85. Available at: https://journals.lib.pte.hu/index.php/mm/article/view/659 (Accessed: 24 November 2024).
Management Research