Changes in online and offline yoga consumption due to the pandemic in Hungary


  • Katalin Hartl Corvinus University of Budapest
  • Györgyi Danó Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem



online yoga, consumer behavior, sports consumption, digital services, Covid-19



The Covid-19 pandemic has significantly impacted people worldwide, resulting in many service providers transitioning to online platforms in compliance with government restrictions. This research aims to investigate changes in customer behavior regarding yoga consumption, both offline and online, before and during the pandemic. Additionally, the study aims to offer insights into potential future trends.


After reviewing the related literature, we analyzed the data from 8 interviews, and 195 online questionnaires with SPSS. The research was conducted in April 2021. We used a Facebook paid ad to reach relevant people with the online survey.


We have observed notable shifts in the consumption of yoga. While the popularity of on-demand yoga materials decreases with the age of the practitioner, it remains the top choice for online yoga instruction among respondents. The duration of one's yoga practice significantly influences the desire for social yoga experiences, as the preference for in-person classes increases proportionally with years of practice. More individuals intend to attend in-person classes after pandemic restrictions are lifted than those who attended prior to the pandemic. However, the popularity of online live classes is expected to increase significantly. Overall, our research indicates that hybrid services will be highly sought-after in the future.


For businesses to stay competitive, they must prioritize meeting customer needs and anticipate future trends. Our research has revealed specific patterns that yoga and other sports providers can use to develop services that align with their customers' preferences.

Author Biographies

Katalin Hartl , Corvinus University of Budapest

PhD Student

Györgyi Danó, Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem

Assistant Lecturer


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How to Cite

Hartl , K. . and Danó, G. . (2023) “Changes in online and offline yoga consumption due to the pandemic in Hungary”, The Hungarian Journal of Marketing and Management, 56(4), pp. 67–77. doi: 10.15170/MM.2022.56.04.07.


