Motivation and performance analysis of the domestic distributors’ sales activities in order to increase the efficiency of competitiveness operating in the laboratory instrument market
human resource, motivation, performanceAbstract
My research topic is to present a specially scientific, narrow market segment, the analysis of the performance-enhancing motivation system of the employees of the Hungarian laboratory instrument distributors responsible for product and sales on the basis of qualitative data. The philosophy of quantitative research is subjective, based on interpretation, which applies a method that solves the given problem, in this case increasing the motivation of the employees responsible for sales, by supporting an appropriate performance evaluation system
Data collection was carried out in a direct process, in the form of focus group and individual in-depth interviews, semi-structured and unstructured, for fact-finding purposes. The aim of the study is to explore the factors influencing the motivation of employees responsible for sales, to create and support a suitable performance appraisal system to increase them.
In the course of the study, for the first time, in the framework of secondary research, it provides an overview of human-centered trends through international and domestic literature review, and presents the concept of practical applicability of several theoretical models in the studied market. A further basis for the research was provided by an individually developed, self-structured model based on theoretical performance evaluation and motivational models presented in the literature review, as well as with its demonstrated correlations. In the light of the results, it was found that the organization can greatly improve its market position by taking into account individual goals and developing appropriate group dynamics. We also proved the general applicability of the obtained research results to small companies operating in other markets. We also explored which sociodemographic factors most influence vendor performance.
After the evaluation of the research results, professional proposals are formulated, to determine the individual motivational factors of the sales professionals, to carry out their performance evaluation effectively in order to increase the competitiveness of the segment. Building and implementing a unified performance system is an essential condition for efficient operation. The model can be effectively applied to the sales professionals of instrument distribution companies operating in the laboratory market segment. The model provides a solid starting point for company management to establish an effective motivation system.
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