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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (further information in the Code of Ethics).
  • The length of the papers should range from 27 thousand characters (minimum) to 36 thousand characters (maximum), including spaces, figures, tables and appendices etc.
  • Where available, DOIs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The manuscript matches the existing discourse of the journal, with references to articles published in the journal on the subject.
  • The review process is based on double blind review, so authors should submit their manuscripts in an anonymous form. Names, titles and institutional and e-mail addresses of the authors must be given in the submission form.
  • The title page will be uploaded in a separate document (document type: title page), with the title of the paper and the author's institutional details: name, e-mail address, institutional status, institution.
  • Under the sectrion 'Comments for the Editor' suggestions will be given for two reviewers, with the following information: name, institution, e-mail address.

Author Guidelines

Instructions for Authors
The Hungarian Journal of Marketing and Management

When submitting papers for publication please take the following requirements into consideration: 

  1. To submit your paper use the Submission menu.
  2. The length of the article should be between 27 thousand and 36 thousand characters (with spaces, including literature, tables, graphes, appendixes etc.) that mean approximately 15-20 typewritten pages.
  3. At the beginning of the article please write a 250-300 words long abstract that contains the aims of the paper, the methodology, the most important results and recommendations (the four aspects of the articles explicitly displayed). In addition, to the abstract please provide 3-5 keywords.
  4. The text should have 2,5 cm margins, Times New Roman CE letter size 12, 1,5 line-space, A/4 size and should be prepared in any version of MS WORD. We could not accept texts in other formats for instance pdf. Unless italic letters please do not use other means of formatting.
  5. Please upload the title page as a separate document with the following information: title, name of the authors, institutions, status, e-mail address.
  6. Articles published in The Hungarian Journal of Marketing and Management typically have 1-4 authors. Although larger research groups may also publish, we recommend a maximum of 4 authors.
  7. Under the section 'Comments for the Editor' authors are asked to suggest at least two potential editors, providing the following information: name, institution, e-mail address.
  8. It is recommended that the references include relevant studies from The Hungarian Journal of Marketing and Management.
  9. Charts and graphs should be appropriately formatted and sent in separate files or pages (if it is necessary in .zip format). Please supply them with numbering and title and indicate their approximate place in the text. To avoid unnecessary long articles, we recommend to use at most 3-4 graphs per article. In case of diagrams please send us the original Excel where the raw data and the graph are available; by other illustrations (for instance pictures) we require .jpg files in good resolution. The sources should be listed below the charts and graphs even if they are own editions.
  10. Every reference should be listed by author and dates indicated in brackets, for example: (Kotler 2002). When using accurate citations the marking of pages is also necessary, for instance (Kotler 2002, 88) or (Kotler 2002, 88–91). In case of more than two authors please use the et al formula after the family name of the first author (Baker et al, 1986). References should get into the text in the above mentioned version and not as footnotes. Every applied text should appear in the References list, and only the referenced literature should be in the list.
  11. Notes should be numbered and placed at the end of the text, before references. Notes should contain only the complements of the text and do not serve as graph explanations or references. Nevertheless we ask authors to avoid the use of notes.
  12. The journal articles are provided with DOI. Therefore, we ask the authors to give the DOI of each item in the References. We recommend the website of Crossref to verify the existence of DOI.
  13. References should be adjusted to the following ground-forms:

Books: Author (year of publishing), Title, Place of publishing: Publisher
Journal article: Author(s) (year of publishing), „Title”, Name of the journal, Volume Issue, beginning and ending pages of the article
Articles in edited collections: Author(s) (year of publishing), „Title”, Names of editors (ed(s) or Hrsg.), Title of the collection, Place of publishing: Publisher, beginning and ending pages of the referred text



Becker, J. (2019), Marketing-Konzeption: Grundlagen des strategischen Marketing-Managements,11. Auflage. München: Vahlen. DOI: 10.15358/9783800657605
Zikmund, W. and D’Amico, M. (2002), Effective Marketing: Creating and Keeping Customers in an E-commerce World, 3/e., Cincinnati, OH: South-Western Publishing
Biggadike, E. R. (1981), “The Contributions of Marketing to Strategic Management”, Academy of Management Review,64, 621-32. DOI: 10.2307/257640
Baker, M. J., Hart, S., Black, C. and Abdel-Mohsen, T. M. (1986), “The Contribution of Marketing to Competitive Success; A Literature Review”, Journal of Marketing Management, 21, 39-61 DOI: 10.1080/0267257X.1986.9963999
Bradshaw, A.and Fuat Firat, A.(2007), “Rethinking Critical Marketing”, in: Saren, M. Maclaran, P., Goulding, C., Elliott, R., Shankar, A., & Catterall, M. (eds.), Critical Marketing: Defining the Field, Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, 30-43. DOI: 10.1108/09564230810875048


It is not an expectation concerning for format but alleviates the work of the layout editor if the following aspects are taken into consideration:

  • Use as little formatting as possible, to make the work of the layout editor easier. Please, pay special attention to the orthography of quotes, titles and names in foreign languages.
  • For reasons of space we find it appropriate not to have more than 3-4 figures in a paper. If it is a diagram, please, provide the original Excel table including the raw data table and chart. In case of other illustrations (e.g. image) a good resolution .jpg file (at least 150 dpi) is expected. Below the figures and tables sources must be featured. Not violating the copyrights of figures is the liability of the author of the manuscript. If the respective figure is made by the author, the following format is to be used: Source: edited by the author or Source: calculation by the author.
  • For the precise edition of citations the use of reference management systems (e.g. Mendeley or Zotero) is recommended. At formatting of the references the standard format is “APA 6th edition”, this is the expectation.
  • Internet links and e-mail addresses should not be underlined and typed in blue letters (although the reference itself does not have to be removed).
  • Below the tables, figures, maps etc. authors must always specify Source, and Note can also be inserted there. Any other information can only be included below the figures and tables in exceptional cases.
  • Tables should not take more than one printed page, maximum two pages, and authors should possibly avoid the use of tables in landscape orientation. Source must only be specified at the end of the table.
  • At dates, all four digits of the year must be written: not 1980–89 but 1980–1989, not 2000–4 but 2000–2004, not 60s but 1960s.


Editorial team of The Hungarian Journal of Marketing and Management

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