Geographic Macro and Regional Model for EU Policy Impact Analysis of Intangible Assets and Growth.


  • Attila Varga University of Pécs - Faculty Of Business And Economics
  • Péter Járosi University of Pécs - Faculty Of Business And Economics
  • Tamás Sebestyén University of Pécs - Faculty Of Business And Economics


TFP, SCGE models, DSGE models, Impact analysis, R&D, Human capital, Social capital


This paper introduces the geographic macro and regional model for NUTS-2 regions of the Euro zone. This model consists of three blocks: the TFP, the SCGE and the MACRO blocks. The model is built for impact analysis of policies targeting intangible assets in the forms of R&D, human capital and social capital. The analysis can be done both at the regional and the EU macroeconomic levels. Policy simulations illustrate the capabilities of the complex model system.





Hogyan kell idézni

Varga, A., Járosi, P., & Sebestyén, T. (2022). Geographic Macro and Regional Model for EU Policy Impact Analysis of Intangible Assets and Growth. PTE KTK Műhelytanulmányok, 2010(1-4). Elérés forrás

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