
  • Réka Szabina Török PhD hallgató, Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Gazdaságtudományi Kar



experience marketing, experiental marketing, city marketing, city image, City Brand Index


Today's consumers now - in addition to functionality- expect an experience from their
consumption, which is reflected in their expectations of cities, as well as in the image both from
locals and tourists’ views. I placed the experiential examination of the image of the city of
Szeged at the center of the research, in order to shed light on which tools of experience
marketing can be used in the development of the image of the settlement. In my study, I
presented the interoperability between city marketing and experience marketing, and then,
moving to Szeged, I described the exploration of its values through the Anholt City Brand
Index. To be effective, qualitative and quantitative methods were combined. Thus, the online
questionnaire was preceded by four professional interviews, which was conducted with the
people who has effect on the city's communication - Mr. Deputy Mayor, Tourism Referent,
Entrepreneur of Event Organisation, PR Expert. Based on my research, in addition to the built
heritage, the experiences that can be perceived in a given city also play a key role in shaping its
image. The outcome of the latter is influenced by various city events, the atmosphere of the
locals, and the presence of photo and selfie points. In the positive image of Szeged, its popular
events have less space. Therefore, communicating them and the unique mood of Szeged is an
opportunity to enhance the image.



How to Cite

Török, R. S. (2022). SZEGED VÁROS IMÁZSÁNAK ÉLMÉNYMARKETING ALAPÚ VIZSGÁLATA. Tourism and Rural Development Studies, 7(2).