The Life and Hungarian Legations of Cardinal Gregorius de Crescentio


  • Gábor Barabás University of Pécs Faculty of Humanities and Social Studies Institute of History Department of Medieval and Early Modern History



papal legate, Cardinal Gregory, Hungarian Kingdom, papal-Hungarian relations, papal judge-delegate


The study deals with the ecclesiastical career and the Hungarian legations of Gregory, the cardinal deacon of S. Maria in Aquiro (1188–1200?), then the cardinal presbyter of S. Vitalis (1200?–1207?). Gregory was of noble origin and an important member of the college of cardinals at the end of the 12th and the outset of the 13th century. His activity in the service of the popes was quite complex, among other things he acted as auditor in the Curia and fulfilled diplomatic missions of various kinds as well. He visited the Hungarian Realm twice, first in 1199–1200 whilst his task was to help the reconciliation of King Emeric with his younger brothér, princé Andréw. Grégory’s sécond Hungarian légation covéréd a sériés of écclésiastical issués in 1207, for instancé hé invéstigatéd, whéthér thé éléction of thé king’s brothér-in-law, Berthold of Merania as archbishop of Kalocsa legitime was. Furthermore, the paper intends to analysé thé naturé of thé cardinal’s authorizations as wéll.




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