Vol. 13 (2024): Specimina Nova Pars Prima Sectio Mediaevalis XIII

A unique workshop was organised by the Centenary Programme Management Committee of the University of Pécs, the Department of Medieval and Early Modern History of the University of Pécs, the Working Committee on Church History of the Regional Committee II of Pécs of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Héloise (European Network on Digital Academic History). The event took place in the Lajos Tigyi Hall of the building Regional Committee of Pécs of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences on 31 August 2023.
The papers presented at the workshop are the first, larger part of this issue (Studies), which contains 8 papers by 11 authors. The studies have a common feature: they all discuss university studies, academic education and peregrinatio academica from the Middle Ages to the present day. The geographical scope is at least as broad, as it covers the territory of present-day France, Italy, Hungary and Central Europe. And the range of contributors is equally varied: Paris, Besançon, Padua, Budapest and Pécs are the university cities and research centres whose eminent scholars have shared their in-depth knowledge of university studies and the various databases related to them, and whose expertise is shared in the pages of this issue.
The volume also includes short papers (Contributions) covering a wide range of topics. They also represent the existing and well-established scientific relations, which have manifested in the organisation of several joint conferences with the University of Mostar. On the other hand, we are also providing doctoral students the opportunity to present their scientific results to an expert public.
The journal changes from the previous tradition of publishing one issue every year instead of the previous practice of publishing an issue of Specimina Nova Pars Prima Sectio Mediaevalis every two years.