Outpacing the Commoditization of Your Brand - A Case Study of Citibank
The conventional wisdom is that people choose a bank based on purely rational criteria such as location and charges for ATM use and other services, and these assumptions lead to a “rates and fees” approach to marketing. When banks do attempt branding work, they typically operate on a narrow emotional bandwidth - friendly, neighborly, or trustworthy - but few have exhibited a genuine personality. Citibank hatched an audacious plan: to transform Citi into a global power brand, preeminent not only in financial services but also among other great consumer brands like Disney, Nike, or Coca-Cola. Even though they didn’t fully know what the term meant, they wanted to make Citi the world’s first “unbanklike” bank.
Hogyan kell idézni
Fallon, P. és Senn, F. (2019) „Outpacing the Commoditization of Your Brand - A Case Study of Citibank”, Marketing & Menedzsment, 41(2), o. 76–83. Elérhető: https://journals.lib.pte.hu/index.php/mm/article/view/1282 (Elérés: 22 december 2024).
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