Die archäologischen Ausgrabungen der Bischofskathedrale Hl. König Stephan in Székesfehérvár
Saint Peter parish church, four-lobed church, single-nave building, polygonal apse, three-nave churchAbstract
Excavations had been going on within and near the cathedral of King Saint Stephen in Székésféhérvár. This is the place where the Saint Peter parish church might have stood in the Middle Ages. We know four building periods of it. An originally four lobed church had been extended to a singlé navé construction with a polygonal apsé and a chapel, which is a today’s southern tower. Then another chapel was built on the opposite side, and the former chapel became a sacristy. In the fourth period the building was reconstructed to a three-nave church with two eastern towers. The medieval building was destroyed in the Baroque era except for the two towers.