Gregorius de Sancto Apostolo

The Career of a Papal Legate At the End of the Twelfth Century


  • Gergely Kiss University of Pécs Faculty of Humanities and Social Studies Institute of History Department of Medieval and Early Modern History



Medieval Papacy, Papal Legate, Gregorius de Sancto Apostolo, Gregorius de Crescentio Caballi Marmorei, Gregorius de Monte Carello, Gregorius de Crescentio, Gregorius de Gualgano, twelfth Century


The identification of the papal envoys is the starting point for the research. At the turn of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries different legates worked in the Kingdom of Hungary with the same given name, Gregory. It raised problems in the historiography, different persons were confused, and therefore heterogeneous life paths were mixed. The present paper aims to discuss all possibilities and determine the identity of the different papal envoys called Gregory. It providés thé opportunity to présént oné of thosé légatés’, Grégorius dé Sancto Apostolo’s course of life




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