Professional and Ethical Guidelines

The Editorial Board of Díké – The Journal of the Márkus Dezső Comparative Legal History Research Group is committed to enforcing high-level professional and ethical obligations during the publication of the journal. Considering this, all publications appearing in the journal must meet these requirements. These guidelines are based on the expectations defined in the Code of Scientific Ethics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The basic condition for the publication of studies appearing in the journal is the acceptance and compliance of the following requirements for professional and moral conduct.

Completeness and impartiality

The research results must be published impartially and in their entirety. The work must include a description of the methods used. Arbitrary selection of data is not allowed, and results that are inconsistent with the conclusions must not be ignored.

Proper citation and plagiarism

Efforts should be made to cite the scientific publications containing essential antecedents of the research as completely as possible. It is an ethical offense if someone attributes the idea, method or data of others to themselves with incomplete citation. Any form of plagiarism − taking other people’s ideas, scientific results, words, texts and presenting them as your own − is unethical and unacceptable. Authors must ensure that the written work they produce is entirely their own intellectual product.

The author of the work

The person who made a significant contribution to the design, concept, implementation, evaluation and verification of the results, writing or interpretation of the study with scientific work must be included as an author. The position held in the institution or institute, or the role played in the funding of the research does not justify in itself that someone should be listed as the author of the publication. Honorary authorship is not allowed. Those who significantly contributed to the completion of the study must be listed as co-authors.

Multiple publication of the work

It is not permitted to include specific research results in different, independent publications, nor to publish a written work with the same text and content in several journals. Exceptions are those cases where the original article was published in a foreign language, in which case − with respect to copyright − it is also desirable to publish the Hungarian version in order to make the research results accessible to a wide range of domestic professional circles and to maintain the domestic scientific and professional language.