„Der Name Euer Gnaden ist mittlerweile ein Begriff auch im Dritten Reich, der alle Türen öffnet.”
Zoltán Magyarys Schüler im nationalsozialistischen Deutschland (1933–1944)
public administration, public law, Nazi Germany, study tour in Germany, Hungarian Institute of Public Administration, 1933–1944Abstract
Zoltán Magyary (1888–1945) was a preeminent scholar of public administration in Hungary in the interwar period. Many of his discilpes took part in study tours to Western Europe to increase their specialist knowledge. Some of them studied at the universities and scientific institutions of Nazi Germany in the 1933–1944 period. In addition to publishing papers, the students also gave account of the experiences and knowledge gained during the study trips in private letters to Zoltán Magyary. On this source base, Zoltán Magyary’s network in Germany can be further nuanced, as the professors visited by Magyary’s students filled also governmental and party functions in post-1933 Germany, in addition to their respective scientific positions.
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