Diseases of the imagination

Ferenc Kölcsey: A’ karpáti kincstár


  • Péter Zákány Tóth




Ferenc Kölcsey discussed the problem of enthusiasm (Schwärmerei) in at least three of his writings. One is a text about aesthetic principles, known from its later title as Nemzeti hagyományok, the other is a tract of a unique generic blend, examining the relationship between political history and theories of religion, known today as Töredékek a vallásról. The third text is a case study of sorts, where the phenomenon is clearly represented as a disease on the level of the individual, in a narrativized setting. This paper focuses on the latter, and tries to identify the contemporary (social, socio-cultural etc) causes which, according to the short story, may lead the individual into a version of enthusiasm that is regarded as a (physical and psychological) disease; how could the contemporary reader be supported in the preservation of their psychological health; and what moral advantages and disadvantages could such a patient gain in the context of the whole society as explored by the short story?

Author Biography

Péter Zákány Tóth




How to Cite

Zákány Tóth, P. (2021). Diseases of the imagination: Ferenc Kölcsey: A’ karpáti kincstár. Verso – Irodalomtörténeti folyóirat, 3(2), 93–108. https://doi.org/10.15170/VERSO.3.2020.2.93-108