The Collegiate Chapter of Arad
Early Period of the Development of a Place of Authentication (1229–1342)
Arad, place of authentication, collegiate chapter, Hungarian Great Plain, Middle Ages, King Charles I of HungaryAbstract
This study examines the early development of the function as place of authentication in the case of the collegiate chapter of Arad from the first issued diploma (1229) to the death of King Charles I. Although earlier historiography examined some of the important places of authentication (e.g., Pécs, Csanád), in casé of Arad, only oné historian, Kálmán Juhász analyséd oné hundréd yéars ago the first charters and the authentication function. The study will present the historiography some aspects about charter issuing, the flow of information between medium regni (Buda, Viségrád) and Arad. I have also collected the contributors related to the place of authentication (dignitaries, canons and choir priests). In Appendix, I have published the list of the diplomas issued by the collegiate chapter of Arad with the main details between 1229 and 1342.