Episodes from the 1273 Campaign of Ottokar II of Bohemia

Two Chapters of the Styrian Rhymed Chronicle in Hungarian


  • Julianna Orsós University of Pécs Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Institute of History




Ottokar II of Bohemia, 1273, Styrian Rhymed Chronicle


The paper introduces the principles of the translation of a running project that is aiming to publish all excerption of the Styrian Rhymed Chronicle with Hungarian regards. While giving a short overview about the research areas applying this source, chapters XCVI–XCVII. are also published in Hungarian as a prose translation. These chapters describe remarkable scenes of the campaign 1271 of Ottokar II against the Hungarian Kingdom and Styria as well as they refer to the murder of prince Béla of Macsó (Mačva) and describe the morals and the political infl uence of his mother, the daughter of Béla IV, Anna of Macsó (Mačva).

Author Biography

Julianna Orsós, University of Pécs Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Institute of History


