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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission has not been previously published or reviewed in any other journal.
  • The submitted file must be in Microsoft Word or Rich Text document format.
  • The text has been prepared in accordance with the stylistic and bibliographical requirements of the Author's Guide.
  • Image attachments, source files are uploaded in a separate file.

Author Guidelines

The Editorial Board will accept for publication studies and reviews not previously published elsewhere, subject to the following formal requirements.

Authors may submit manuscripts primarily after registering on the Pontes electronic platform. In the event of a problem, please send your contribution to the editorial board ( by e-mail.

Authors are required to use the generated footnote function of Word. All authors are requested to submit a 1,000 to 1,500-character abstract in English at the same time as the article.

Text accepted but not properly referenced papers will be returned to the author for revision. The manuscript should be one authors sheet (40 000n), but not more than 60 000 characters. If the length of a manuscript accepted for publication exceeds this limit, the editorial team will return the text to the author for revision. The Editorial Board reserves the right to seek the opinion of an external expert on the submitted paper.

In the case of reviews, please include all bibliographical details of the work(s) reviewed (publisher, page number, appendices, maps, illustrations, series title) and, in the case of foreign works, the title translated, in square brackets. In the case of longer reviews with numerous footnotes, please cite the references at the end of the paper as described for studies (see below). For shorter reviews, please include the full bibliographic description for each occurrence of the reference, following the pattern of the bibliography cited.


Use of references:

Both bibliographic and source citations, as well as all comments, should be footnoted.

Source citations should follow the format appropriate to the type of source (archival source, newspaper, interview, etc.). In the case of archival sources, please cite the author in abbreviated form (e.g. VML IV. 401. b. 13789/1935.) and dissolve the abbreviation in the source list at the back.

References to literature should be given in the text in the following format.

In the case of works annotated by more than one author, the format of the reference should be: Author - Author year. page number (e.g. Font - Sashalmi 2007. 104-105.)

 After the study, the archival, bibliographical and other sources used (e.g. interview: who conducted it, with whom, when) are listed first.

A list of the literature cited follows the sources used, at the very end of the article, in alphabetical order. Only works actually cited in the footnote should be cited!

For the format of the references, the following examples should be used as a guide:

Cited Literature

[Monographs:] Gyarmati 1991 = Gyarmati György: A Rákosi-korszak - Rendszerváltó fordulatok évtizede Magyarországon, 1945-1956. Budapest, 2013.

[Paper in collection] Hudi 1997 = Hudi József: Veszprém vármegye nemessége 1812-ben. In: Ódor Imre – Pálmány Béla – Takács Imre (szerk.): Mágnások, birtokosok, címerlevelesek. Debrecen, 1997. 219–227. (Rendi társadalom – polgári társadalom 9.)

[Paper in journal:] Láng 1986 = Láng Panni: Egy budapesti polgárcsalád mindennapjai. Történelmi Szemle 29. (1986). 80–94.

[Lexicon entry:] ’Korallok’ szócikk. In: Révai Új Lexikona 12. kötet, Budapest, 1915. 26.

[Journal article] Szőnyi 1926 = Szőnyi Ottó: A pécsi püspökség templomai. Dunántúl 1926. december 25. 18. [Lehetőség szerint szerepeljen itt az oldalszám is, s az év kétszer legyen kiírva.]

[Dissertation:] Körmendi 2008 = Körmendi Tamás: Az Imre, III. László és II. András magyar királyok uralkodására vonatkozó nyugati elbeszélő források kritikája. (Ph.D. disszertáció/szakdolgozat) Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Budapest, 2008.

[Forthcoming publications:] Kiss 2011 = Kiss Ágnes: További érvek a kettős struktúra elmélete ellen. Korall (Közlésre elfogadva, megjelenés előtt.)

[Online reference:] Bácskai Vera: A görög kereskedők szerepe a főváros polgárosodásában. Budapesti Negyed. (http:// – Letöltés: 2009. március 9.)


We kindly ask our authors not to use the abbreviations p., pp., o., page, i.m., see, ibid.

Make sure that the hyphen (-) and the hyphen (-) are used correctly. (Between numbers, years, page numbers - put a - sign!)

Use Arabic numerals for centuries!

Quotations should be written only between these signs: " "! Quotations within a quotation should be placed between »« signs!

Place omissions in the source citation between [...]. Example: "[According to] the defendant [x.y.]."

The format of the author's or translator's comments should be: (The Author) (The Translator) (Emphasis mine - X.Y.).

The % sign always sticks to the number!








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