Scientific Advisory Board

Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board:

Prof. Dr. Pálné Kovács, Ilona 

full member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, professor, University of Pécs, Research Professor, Eötvös Lóránd Research Network, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Institute for Regional Studies, Hungary


Members of the Scientific Advisory Board:

Prof. Dr. Bayer, József

full member of the HAS, professor emeritus, HAS TK PTI, Hungary, MTMT

Prof. Csicsmann, László

professor, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary, MTMT ORCID

Dr. Fakiolas, Efstathios T.

associate professor, University of the Peloponnese, Greece, ORCID

Prof. Dr. Hajdú, Zoltán

senior scientific advisor, Eötvös Lóránd Research Network, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Institute for Regional Studies, Hungary, MTMT ORCID

Asst. Prof. Jones, William J.

Head of Social Science Division, Mahidol University, Thailand, ORCID

Dr. habil. Kaiser, Ferenc

associate professor, University of Public Service, Hungary, MTMT ORCID

Dr. habil. Kalmár, Zoltán

associate professor, University of Pannonia, Hungary, MTMT

Prof. Dr. León, Fabián Herrera

professor, Michoacan University of Saint Nicholas of Hidalgo, Mexico, ORCID

Dr. Peña Ramos, José Antonio

associate professor, University of Granada, Spain, ORCID

Prof. Dr. Sözen, Ahmet

professor, Eastern Mediterranean University, Cyprus, ORCID

Prof. Dr. Szabó, Márton

professor emeritus, Eötvös Lóránd Research Network, Centre for Social Sciences, Institute for Political Science, Hungary, MTMT

Prof. Dr. Szenes, Zoltán

professor, National University of Public Service, Hungary, MTMT ORCID

Prof. Dr. Vasa, László

chief advisor, senior research fellow, Hungarian Institute of International Affairs, Professor, Budapest Metropolitan University, Hungary, MTMT ORCID