No. II (2021)

The editors are pleased to present issue 2021/II of the Pécs Journal of International and European Law, published by the Centre for European Research and Education of the Faculty of Law of the University of Pécs.
The editorial comments of the current issue reflect upon some of the implications of the recent Carter v. Russia judgment by the European Court of Human Rights.
In the Articles section, Brian Drummond analyses the legality of the nuclear deterrence policy of the United Kingdom under international law. Lilla Ozoráková asks and answers the question whether the standards of international criminal proceedings in terms of the right to a fair trial are sufficient. Anna Szerencsés looks at how the protection of fundamental rights has progressed, notably in the twelve years since the EU Charter was given legal binding force. Valéria Horváth gives account of the legal responses to migration induced by the 2010 Haitian earthquake on the American continent.
In the Case notes and analysis section, Csongor István Nagy provides analysis of Hungarian judicial practice connected to EU private international law in family and succession matters.
Last but not least, in the Reviews section, Mirabella Nezdei reviews Transnational Mobility and Global Health – Traversing Borders and Boundaries by Peter H. Koehn (Routledge, 2020).
As always, a word of sincere gratitude is due to the anonymous peer reviewers of the current issue.