No. II (2018)

The editors are pleased to present issue 2018/II of the Pécs Journal of International and European Law, published by the Centre for European Research and Education of the Faculty of Law of the University of Pécs.
In the Articles section, Emese Pál gives an overview and compariosn of legal supervision over local self-governments in continental Europe. Shadi A. Alshdaifat elaborates on property rights and the concept of the common heritage of mankind in the context of outer space.
In the Case Notes and Analysis section, Olena Demchenko looks at the benefits and challenges of CRAB technology platforms and CRAB technology based smart contracts, while Mirlinda Batalli and Islam Pepaj analyse the possibility of increasing efficiency in public administration through better system of administrative justice.
In this issue’s review section, Hannes Hofmeister reviews the EUV/ AEUV Kommentar by Geiger & Khan & Kotzur published (in German) by Beck in 2016.