Vol. 8 No. 1 (2012): Issue on Interfaces between Irish and European Theatre

Published by
Institute of English Studies
Department of English Literatures and Cultures
University of Pécs
Pécs 2012
HU ISSN 1585-5228
Editor: Mária Kurdi
Editorial board
Gabriella Hartvig (British and Irish fiction, reception studies)
Andrew C. Rouse (British history and culture)
László Sári B. (literary theory, film studies)
Gertrúd Szamosi (postcolonial literatures, Canadian studies)
Gabriella Vöő (American studies, comparative studies)
Review editors: Zsuzsa Csikai, Mónika Fodor
Advisory board
William Issel (San Francisco State University, Mills College)
Eamonn Jordan (University College, Dublin)
Péter P. Müller (University of Pécs)
Michael Parker (University of Central Lancashire)
István Rácz (University of Debrecen)
Aladár Sarbu (Eötvös Lóránd University, Budapest)
Nóra Séllei (University of Debrecen)
György Endre Szőnyi (University of Szeged)
Printed at
Molnár Nyomda és Kiadó Kft., Pécs
The publication of this volume has been made possible by the financial assistance of the University of Pécs, Faculty of Humanities, and The Department of Foreign Affairs of Ireland Cultural Grant-in-Aid.