About the Journal

FOCUS: Papers in English Literary and Cultural Studies is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Department of English Literatures and Cultures (University of Pécs, Hungary). The journal was founded in 1998, and it publishes articles, essays, interviews and book reviews on various aspects of English-speaking literatures and cultures from all ages. Most of the issues are centred around a particular theme, which is announced in the regularly appearing Call for Papers.

During the more than two decades of its history the journal published work by contributors from various universities in Hungary, Great Britain, Ireland, the USA, Austria, Croatia, Greece, Spain, etc. The 2002 issue, focusing on Joyce, was reviewed in Irish University Review, the 2004 and 2006 issues in the Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies, the 2008 issue in EPONA, the 2012 issue in Irish Theatre International, the 2018 issue in Americana: E-journal of American Studies.

From 2024, the journal is using a fully open access model based on the Open Journal System. All past issues are fully digitised and available under Archives.


Department of English Literatures and Cultures
Institute of English Studies
University of Pécs

ISSN Numbers:

  • ISSN 1585-5228 (Print)
  • ISSN 3057-8485 (Online)