
  • Cover image

    Interwar Modernisms in Contexts; Their Predecessors and Legacy
    Vol. 13 No. 1 (2022)

    Published by
    Institute of English Studies
    Department of English Literatures and Cultures
    University of Pécs

    Pécs 2022

    Editor-in-chief: Mária Kurdi

    Copyright © 2022 The Contributors
    All rights reserved

    Issue Editors:

    Gabriella Vöő

    Mária Kurdi

    Bence Gábor Kvéder


    Editorial Board:
    Sanda Berce (Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania)
    Mónika Fodor (University of Pécs, Hungary)
    Gabriella Hartvig (University of Pécs, Hungary)
    Eamonn Jordan (University College Dublin, Ireland)
    Csaba Maczelka (University of Pécs, Hungary)
    Margaret McMullan (University of Evansville, USA)
    Gabriella Vöő (University of Pécs, Hungary)

    Reviews editor:

    Zsuzsa Csikai (University of Pécs, Hungary)

    Language editor:
    John Thomas Voelker (University of Pécs, Hungary)

    Advisory Board for Issue XIII:
    Vera Benczik (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary)
    David Clare (Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, Ireland)
    Ákos Farkas (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary)
    Victor Merriman (Edge Hill University, United Kingdom)
    Christopher Murray (University College Dublin, Ireland)

  • General Issue
    Vol. 12 No. 1 (2020)

    Published by
    Institute of English Studies
    Department of English Literatures and Cultures
    University of Pécs

    Pécs 2020

    Editor-in-chief: Mária Kurdi

    Copyright © 2020 The Contributors
    All rights reserved

    Issue Editor: Mónika Fodor

    Advisory Board for the Issue:
    Zoltán Abádi Nagy (University of Debrecen, Hungary)
    Dóra Csikós (Eötvös Lóránd University, Budapest, Hungary)
    Attila Dósa (University of Miskolc, Hungary)
    Norbert Gyuris (University of Pécs, Hungary)
    Csaba Lévai (University of Debrecen, Hungary)
    Lenke Németh (University of Debrecen, Hungary)
    István Rácz (University of Debrecen, Hungary)
    László Sári B. (University of Pécs, Hungary)
    Andrea Tímár (Eötvös Lóránd University, Budapest, Hungary)

    Reviews editor:

    Zsuzsa Csikai (University of Pécs, Hungary)

    Language editor:

    John Thomas Voelker (University of Pécs, Hungary)

  • Title page

    20th Anniversary Issue
    Vol. 11 No. 1 (2018)

    Published by
    Institute of English Studies
    Department of English Literatures and Cultures
    University of Pécs

    Pécs 2018

    Editor-in-chief: Mária Kurdi

    Copyright © 2018 The Contributors
    All rights reserved

    Issue Editors:
    Csaba Maczelka, Andrew C. Rouse, Lívia Szélpál

    Advisory Board for the Issue:
    Dániel Bagi (University of Pécs)
    Éva Bús (Pannon University)
    Irén Hegedűs (University of Pécs)
    Eamonn Jordan (University College Dublin)
    Ágnes Zsófia Kovács (University of Szeged)
    Péter Kristóf Makai (Linnaeus University, Sweden)
    Péter P. Müller (University of Pécs)
    Lenke Németh (University of Debrecen)
    Róbert Péter (University of Szeged)
    Károly Pintér (Pázmány Péter Catholic University)

  • Issue on American Studies
    Vol. 10 No. 1 (2016)

    The Americas are not only an indivisible geographical entity but also a region sharing a history of coloniality, anti-colonial revolutions, and imperialist interventions. South, Central, and North America exist in a state of economic, political, and cultural interdependence. Recent interdisciplinary approaches to the history, economics, as well as the cultures and literatures of the Americas resist normative definitions that reflect European political epistemologies and/or national models. International scholars of the twentieth and the twenty-first centuries have opened new perspectives in the study of the North American, Ibero-American, and Afro-Caribbean regions. In the context of US Studies, the New American Studies, the Borders School in American Studies, and the new disciplines of Americas Cultural Studies, Transatlantic and Inter-American Studies have moved towards transnationality, postnationality, and globality in studying economic, cultural and social processes as well as forms of knowledge and expression. The critical essays included in the present issue address themes and issues related to the study of “the Americas” in transatlantic, hemispheric, and global contexts.

  • Shakespeare and Shakespearean Influence in the Renaissance and Beyond
    Vol. 9 No. 1 (2014)

    The issue titled Shakespeare and Shakespearean Infl uence in the Renaissance and Beyond features papers on moments of intertextuality between a Shakespeare play and other works of literature, forms of
    adaptation of a Shakespeare play, irrespective of genre, aspects of the cultural-historical context in which Shakespeare lived and worked, and Shakespeare-based comparative studies by an array of contributors at various Hungarian universities.

  • Issue on Interfaces between Irish and European Theatre
    Vol. 8 No. 1 (2012)

    Published by
    Institute of English Studies
    Department of English Literatures and Cultures
    University of Pécs

    Pécs 2012

    HU ISSN 1585-5228

    Editor: Mária Kurdi

    Editorial board
    Gabriella Hartvig (British and Irish fiction, reception studies)
    Andrew C. Rouse (British history and culture)
    László Sári B. (literary theory, film studies)
    Gertrúd Szamosi (postcolonial literatures, Canadian studies)
    Gabriella Vöő (American studies, comparative studies)
    Review editors: Zsuzsa Csikai, Mónika Fodor

    Advisory board
    William Issel (San Francisco State University, Mills College)
    Eamonn Jordan (University College, Dublin)
    Péter P. Müller (University of Pécs)
    Michael Parker (University of Central Lancashire)
    István Rácz (University of Debrecen)
    Aladár Sarbu (Eötvös Lóránd University, Budapest)
    Nóra Séllei (University of Debrecen)
    György Endre Szőnyi (University of Szeged)

    Printed at
    Molnár Nyomda és Kiadó Kft., Pécs

    The publication of this volume has been made possible by the financial assistance of the University of Pécs, Faculty of Humanities, and The Department of Foreign Affairs of Ireland Cultural Grant-in-Aid.

  • Papers in English Literary and Cultural Studies Issue on Printing, Reading, and Audience
    Vol. 7 No. 1 (2010)

    Published by
    Institute of English Studies
    Department of English Literatures and Cultures
    University of Pécs
    Pécs 2010

    Editor-in-chief: Mária Kurdi

    Copyright © 2010 The Contributors
    All rights reserved

    Issue Editors:

    Andrew C. Rouse
    Gabriella Hartvig
    László Sári B.

    Editorial board:

    Gabriella Hartvig (British and Irish fiction, reception studies)
    Andrew C. Rouse (British history and culture)
    László Sári B. (literary theory, film studies)
    Gertrúd Szamosi (postcolonial literatures, Canadian studies)
    Gabriella Vöő (American studies, comparative studies)
    Review editors: Zsuzsa Csikai, Mónika Fodor

    Advisory board:

    William Issel (San Francisco State University, Mills College)
    Eamonn Jordan (University College, Dublin)
    Péter P. Müller (University of Pécs)
    Michael Parker (University of Central Lancashire)
    István Rácz (University of Debrecen)
    Aladár Sarbu (Eötvös Lóránd University, Budapest)
    Nóra Séllei (University of Debrecen)
    György Endre Szőnyi (University of Szeged)

  • Papers in English Literary and Cultural Studies Issue on Anglophone and Hungarian Literary and Cultural Encounters
    Vol. 6 No. 1 (2008)

    Published by
    Department of English Literatures and Cultures
    University of Pécs

    Pécs 2008

    Editor-In-Chief: Mária Kurdi

    Copyright © 2008 The Contributors
    All rights reserved

    Issue Editor: Gabriella Hartvig

  • Papers in English Literary and Cultural Studies Special Issue on American Studies: Frontiers, Borderlines, and Frames
    Vol. 5 No. 1 (2006)

    Published by
    Department of English Literatures and Cultures
    University of Pécs

    Pécs 2006

    Editor-in-chief: Mária Kurdi

    Copyright © 2006 The Contributors
    All rights reserved

    Issue Editor: Gabriella Vöő


  • Papers in English Literary and Cultural Studies Special Issue on Film/Video Studies and British Studies
    Vol. 4 No. 1 (2004)

    Published by
    Department of English Literatures and Cultures
    University of Pécs

    Pécs 2004

    Editor-in-chief: Mária Kurdi

    Copyright © 2004 The Contributors
    All rights reserved

    Issue Editor:
    Mária Kurdi
    László Sári

  • Papers in English Literary and Cultural Studies Special Issue on James Joyce
    Vol. 3 No. 1 (2002)

    Published by
    Department of English Literatures and Cultures
    University of Pecs

    Pécs 2002

    Editor-in-chief: Mária Kurdi

    Copyright © 2002 The Contributors
    All rights reserved

    Issue Editors:
    Mária Kurdi
    Antal Bókay

  • Papers in English Literary and Cultural Studies
    Vol. 2 No. 1 (2000)

    Published by
    University Press Pécs

    Pécs 2000



    Mária Kurdi 


    Copyright © 2000 The Contributors
    All rights reserved


    Issue Editors:

    Mária Kurdi

    Gabriella Hartvig
    Andrew C. Rouse

  • Papers in English Literary and Cultural Studies at JPU
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (1998)

    Published by
    University Press Pécs

    Pécs 1998

    Edited by
    Mária Kurdi
    Ágnes Surányi
    Gabriella Vöö

    Copyright 1998 The Contributors
    All rights reserved