Preventive Role of the Child Protection in Crime Prevention from the Code Csemegi until Today


  • Katalin Barbara Herke-Fábos



child protection system, authority measures, crime prevention, risk assessment


The delinquency of children of tender age and juveniles is a social phenomenon of specific concern. This is the group of offenders concerning which jurisprudence, jurisdiction, social services and any other organizations coming into contact with juvenile offenders are able to do the most in order to have the youth become law-abiding citizens as adults. The authority measures that are performed in the frame of the administrative procedure provide a part in the Hungarian child protection system. The authority measures of the Hungarian child protection care system can be grouped according to its reason and system of instrument as a kind of protecting-safeguarding action furthermore as measures that result in the removal of the child from his family. Preventive patronage has been of legal force since the 1st of January 201. In Hungarian areas of law this new legal institution has roots in criminal law and it got placed into the system of child protection based on the authorization of the 1430/2011 (XII. 13.) governmental decision despite the fact that the reasons of its creation were first and foremost the reduction of child- and juvenal criminality and the effective reintegration of the perpetrators.




How to Cite

Herke-Fábos, K. B. (2018). Preventive Role of the Child Protection in Crime Prevention from the Code Csemegi until Today. Díké - Journal of Dezső Márkus Research Group for Comparative Legal History, 2(2), 33–50.