About the Journal

At the beginning of 2016 the founding editor-in-chief of the journal, Dr. Tibor Gonda, initiated the launch of the Tourism and Rural Development Studies. The idea was welcomed by many colleagues, and an enthusiastic and hard-working editorial committee, chaired by Professor Antal Aubert, began the professional preparation and launch of the journal. All members of the committee carry out their proofreading work free of charge, without any remuneration, on voluntary basis. The professional standard is guaranteed by the two professional bodies behind TVT: the Institute of Marketing and Tourism of the University of Pécs, Faculty of Business and Economics and the Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences of the University of Pécs, Faculty of Sciences.

TVT is well on its way to the goal set by the professional team behind it:

  • the journal has been referenced since its launch in 2016 by MATARKA and EPA
  • after 2 years, the Section of Earth Sciences (X.) of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences classified TVT as a scientific journal
  • at the end of its 3rd year TVT joined the crossref system
  • since the 1st issue of Volume 4 all our articles appear with a DOI number
  • by the end of Volume 4 we are making the necessary preparations to obtain a category C rating from the Section of Economics and Law – including sociology, demography and political sciences (IX.) of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  • Since the 6th issue, the journal also archives the previous issues on the OJS sytem.
  • From issue 3 of volume 7, our journal has joined the international extended family of open access journals. The DOAJ accreditation has been accepted. This will ensure a greater international visibility for our authors and for our journal it means a greater professional recognition.

The Tourism and Rural Development Studies is published with the financial support of CampInvest Kft. the CampInvest Kft. fulfills the role – as a CSR activity – of a publisher and provides the financial resources necessary for its publishing.

We promote the published issues and articles on our own social media platforms in order to spread the scientific results. We do not do any other paid advertising, nor do we accept commercial, sponsorship or other support benefits.