A descriptive analysis of domestic legislation in the areas of accessibility, disability and equal treatment, with a special focus on tourism/mobility


  • János Csapó Pécsi Tudományegyetem, Közgazdaságtudományi Kar, Marketing és Turizmus Intézet
  • Boglárka Ágnes Mészáros Pécsi Tudományegyetem, Közgazdaságtudományi Kar, Regionális Politika és Gazdaságtan Doktori Iskola, Marketing és Turizmus Intézet




accessibility, equal opportunity, legislative environment, mobility, Hungary


Today, accessibility is not only a moral and ethical issue, but also a strategic and economic topic that contributes to sustainable development and an inclusive society. Of course, promoting equal opportunities and ensuring equal participation regardless of the individual's condition requires, among other things, a supportive legislative environment, and it should be noted that, although this condition seems to be met in Hungary, the practical implementation of the relevant legislation is often questionable. Recognising the importance of the issue, the study provides a comprehensive overview of the Hungarian legislative environment related to accessibility and equal opportunities for people with disabilities and its socio-economic impact, with a particular focus on mobility and tourism.




How to Cite

Csapó, J., & Mészáros, B. Ágnes. (2023). A descriptive analysis of domestic legislation in the areas of accessibility, disability and equal treatment, with a special focus on tourism/mobility. Területfejlesztés és Innováció, 16(1). https://doi.org/10.15170/terinno.2023.16.01.01