„Alig szabadultam ki a szerbek fogságából, már le kellett mennem a szerbek közé, de mégis lementem, mert lelkiismeretem nyugodt volt.”

Az I. világháború és a szerb megszállás – Ete János visszaemlékezése





First World War, Serbian occupation in the County of Baranya, János Ete, Valjevo, reminiscence


The reminiscence published in this study originates from Janos Ete, who played a major role in the local public administration of Baranya County during the First World War and the subsequent Serbian occupation (1918–1921). One can well reconstruct the Hungarian public administration’s operation in the area, and how life became increasingly hopeless during the war through Ete’s remembrance. János Ete did not hide his worldview, neither his opinion about the Serbian occupiers. The occupiers considered him as a dangerous person to their aspirations, for which they interned him to Valjevo, in western Serbia. In his reminiscence, he recorded the narrative of the internment in detail. Outside of the war conditions, the story of the individuals interned from Mohács to Valjevo can be explored with the guidance of this document, which topic – the internment of Valjevo – constitutes a signifi cant part of my previous research. János Ete could write the undermentioned reminiscence during the final section of his life, throughout the 1960s, when he predominantly conducted local historical and ethnographical research in Mohács and the surrounding area. The document can be found in the Local Historical Database of the Kanizsai Dorottya Museum in Mohács.




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