Örökhagyók, örökösök, örökség
Pécsi horvátok 18. századi végrendeletei
testators, wills, Croatian population, Pécs, 18th centuryAbsztrakt
The paper analyses the last wills of the Croatian residents of Pécs, written in Croatian language, from the eighteenth century. These, to date unpublished, documents are kept in the Baranya County Archives of the Hungarian National Archives in Pécs. The analysis includes three segments: testators, inheritors and inheritance. The author describes the characteristics of testators, as well as the motives for making the will, their choice of heirs, and, in case their right of inheritance was contested, the reasons for disinheritance aft er the testator’s death. Finally, the author presents the categories of inheritance, including the movables, real estate, money and debts.

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