A balácai halomsír kronológiai problémái


  • Nagy Levente PTE BTK TTI




Baláca, halomsír, kronológia


Th e roman villa estate of Nemesvámos-Baláca is one of the best-known villa settlements in Transdanubia. Its main building are nicely designed with frescoes and mosaics with more building periods, further away from this building there was a circular mausoleum (barrow) with grave altars of a family (Tiberii Claudii) and a vaulted corridor leading to the burial chamber. Below the burial chamber, there were two busta of a horse and of a dog. Th e excavation of the mausoleum (between 1985 and 1987) and the publication of the excavation observations in 1996 was the merit of Sylvia Palágyi. Aft er a long break, the Hungarian National Museum, which manages the archaeological site, and the University of Pécs, Department of Archaeology, launched new trial excavations in the area of the villa. Th erefore, previously discussed problems of the history and the chronology of the villa complex gained attention again. Th is study paper deals with the chronology of the mausoleum of the Tiberii Claudii.
Earlier scholarly literature suggested diff erent dating of the mausoleum because of the diff erent chronology of the fi nds (grave altars, inscriptions, horse harness, pottery, etc.). Instead of the low chronology (early 2nd century AD) and the high chronology (beginning and first
half of the 3rd century AD), I suggest an intermediate Hadrianic dating of the mausoleum after considering the arguments and the counter arguments, regarding new evidence concerning the 2nd century AD period of the main building (building No. XIII) with its wallpaintings.


