Az első lépések

a Chem on! Mi a reakciód? – Saját készítésű társasjáték tesztelésének első eredményei


  • Beatrix Szilágyi
  • Zsófia Kocsis



The first steps
Chem on! What is your reaction? – The first results of testing a self-made board game

In the current study, in response to the challenges of 21st-century education, we would like to present a possible solution, with the help of which we hope to positively influence students' attitudes towards chemistry in the long term. Those students who
are now sitting at the school desks already have a different attitude towards the various subjects and the acquisition of knowledge, so the teachers also have to resort to new pedagogical methods. Several domestic and international studies have shown that chemistry is one of the least popular subjects among students. In the focus of our research, we assessed the beneficial effect of the game, in a narrower sense, the board game and the possibility of its application with the help of a valuation study. Keeping in mind the pedagogical principles of the board game, we created our own chemistry board game to put the knowledge into a fun, playful form. The board game Chem is on! What is your reaction? Has a name. Using quantitative and qualitative methods, we assessed the opinions of the testing students and the teachers who taught them and sought an answer to whether board game pedagogy has a future in chemistry education. The obtained results supported our assumption that there is a need for this kind of reformation in the teaching-learning process. And the encouraging start confirmed that it is worth continuing the development of this innovative method.

Author Biographies

Beatrix Szilágyi

Szilágyi Beatrix a Debreceni Egyetem biológia-kémia tanár szakos hallgatója. Kutatási területe a társasjáték-pedagógia alkalmazhatósága a kémiatanításban.

Zsófia Kocsis

Kocsis Zsófia a Debreceni Egyetem, a Neveléstudományi Tanszékének tanársegéde. Kutatási területe a hallgatói munkavállalás, valamint a munkavégzés lemorzsolódásra és tanulmányi eredményességre gyakorolt hatása.




How to Cite

Szilágyi, B., & Kocsis, Z. (2024). Az első lépések: a Chem on! Mi a reakciód? – Saját készítésű társasjáték tesztelésének első eredményei. Cultural Science Review, 5(4), 104–115.


