Call for Papers - 2025 Issue (Institutional Contexts)


Call for Contributions

We invite contributions to the 2025 issue of our departmental journal FOCUS: Papers in English Literary and Cultural Studies, which is a peer-reviewed forum.

The 2025 issue of the journal will be devoted to how

Institutional Contexts

shape literary and cultural production, circulation, and consumption. Editors invite contributors to discuss ways in which literary, cultural, economic, and political institutions shape and inform Anglophone literary texts and cultural artefacts in terms of content and form, how the institutional networks of circulation determine and define access as well as responses to literary pieces and cultural phenomena, or how, in turn, patterns of reception and consumption will exert an influence on institutional networks of culture.


We expect titles, bios and short abstracts by June 30, 2024 and inform authors about their acceptance or rejection within the week after this date. Conforming to the MLA style latest edition with inside references keyed to a Works Cited section, the papers using MS Word (of 5,000-8,000 words in length) should be sent to the issue editor and the editor-in-chief, or submitted online by October 30, 2024. In accordance with the policy of the journal, the papers will be read by external referees in the process of deciding about their quality and acceptance or rejection for publication. Reviews of scholarly books (of 1,000-2,000 words in length) about Anglophone literary or cultural subjects and published not earlier than 2022, are also welcome.

Issue editor:

László Sári


Mária Kurdi