Transnational Organized Crime and Future Threats in Bangladesh: Comparative Combating Measures


  • Bushrat Jahan



transnational organized crime, arms smuggling, drug dealing, human trafficking, combating measures


Bangladesh is a South Asian country having become independent
recently and confronting countless crimes, and transnational coordinated crime
is one of them. With the proliferation of criminal associations and the
accessibility of present-day digitalization, the level of transnational danger has
increased in an alarming way, where just a coordinated and elevated degree of
globally approved cooperation can resolve the issue. Transnational organized
crime increases border tensions and danger also. In this paper, I will focus on a
few explicit transnational crimes occurring in Bangladesh and how those can
be a future danger to the existence of this country. Border hostility, arms
dealing, drug trafficking, and illegal human exploitation have been persistent
security dangers to the country. I will likewise concentrate on some combating
measures taken by the EU to control transnational organized crimes and a
comparative discussion of how Bangladesh ought to step up measures to
control such crimes in the future.



Hogyan kell idézni

Jahan, B. (2023). Transnational Organized Crime and Future Threats in Bangladesh: Comparative Combating Measures. Essays of Faculty of Law University of Pécs, Yearbook of [year], (1).