Editorial Team

Responsible publisher:

Prof. dr. Ács Pongrác
Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Pécs


Responsible editor:

Dr. habil. Kata Morvay-Sey is a university associate professor
Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Pécs


Reader Editor:

Dr. Habil. Professor Ferenc Győri
Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Pécs


Editorial Board:

Prof. Dr. József Betlehem
Prof. Dr. Mária Figler
Prof. Dr. habil. Pongrác Ács
Dr. Miklós Stocker
Dr. Habil. Kinga Lampek
Dr. Habil. Kata Morvay-Sey
Dr. Habil. Henriette Pusztafalvi Dr. Tigyin
Dr. Kristina Deutsch
Dr. Gábor Elbert
Prof. Dr. Josef Bergier ✝
Prof. Dr. Éva Bába Prof. Dr. Bácsné
Dr. Habil. David Paár
Dr. Habil. Ferenc Győri


Translation proofreader:
Klara Simon